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Subdivision for Physical Education

The Division for Physical Education and Educational Research on Recreation is divided into the Subdivision for Educational Research on Recreation and the Subdivision for Physical Education. Both subdivisions work thematically and organizationally independently.

The members of the Subdivision for Physical Education deal with pedagogical fields in which movement, play, sport and physicality are of particular importance. They explore these contexts across a broad spectrum of questions within the horizon of education, upbringing, learning, development or socialization. Drawing on a variety of methodological approaches, members are interested in theory-building perspectives on pedagogical processes, frameworks, and outcomes. They also want to advance the design and further development of these fields, e.g., field of university teaching. In the subdivision's work to date, a particular focus has been on the pedagogy of physical education as a school subject. In this context, didactic considerations have been advanced, empirical studies have been conducted, and professionalization measures have been developed.
The subdivision is mainly organized through the elected board and the annual general meeting. The central activity is the annual conference of the subdivision, which is conducted by independent planning and thematic design of the members at different locations. The general meetings also take place at these conferences. At the same time, the subdivision is involved in the biennial GERA-Congresses. It participates in cross-sectional working groups and in the preparation of statements. In this context, it also maintains an exchange with other organizations, in particular with the German Association for Sports Science (Section for Sports Pedagogy).


Prof. Dr. Roland Messmer
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz 
Pädagogische Hochschule
Professur Sport und Sportdidaktik im Jugendalter
Hofackerstr. 30
CH-4132 Muttenz
Tel: +41 61 2285997
Mail: roland.messmer@fhnw.ch