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Division for Historical Educational Research

Established in 1972 as the Historical Commission, the Division for Historical Educational Research is a division of the German Educational Research Association (GERA). Based on the statutes of the DGfE/GERA, it deals with the historical aspect of educational research, promotes research in the history of education, coordinates the corresponding work of its members, organises and promotes conferences and stimulates research in this field. Members of the division are academics who contribute to the tasks of the devision through their scholarly work. There is a full and a co-opted membership. The division's Executive Committee, which is elected for two years at a time, consists of the chairperson and two deputies. Its work is supported by a scientific advisory board, also elected for two years. The Executive Committee is also supported by representatives of the emerging researchers.


Prof. Dr. Esther Berner
Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Postfach 70 08 22
22008 Hamburg

Prof. Dr. Michaela Vogt
Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft
AG 1 - Allg. Erziehungswissenschaft
Postfach 100131
D-33501 Bielefeld

Dr. Michèle Hofmann
Universität Zürich
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft
Historische Bildungsforschung und Steuerung des Bildungssystems
Freiestrasse 36
CH-8032 Zürich

Emerging Researchers of the Division for Historical Educational Research

The support of emerging researchers is a central concern of the Division for Historical Educational Research. A workshop for emerging researchers, the Emerging Researchers’ Conference for the History of Education, is held at changing locations every two years. In addition, the division awards the Julius Klinkhardt Award for an outstanding dissertation or research performance as well as travel grants for conference participation and research stays at archives.
Emerging researchers are members of the division who are in the process of qualification (doctorate) or whose doctorate was awarded no longer than 5 years ago. In the division assembly, a speaker and one or two co-speakers are elected by the members present, who serve for the period of two years. Their tasks also include the organisation of the Emerging Researchers’ Conference for the History of Education. The speakers maintain the mailing list and, since February 2021, the Twitter account @HistEdGER, which contributes to the networking of emerging researchers and provides information about announcements and calls for papers. The current speakers are Stefanie Vochatzer (Paderborn University) und Dr. Andreas Oberdorf (University of Münster).

Emerging Researchers’ Conference for the History of Education

In order to support and network its emerging researchers, the Division for Historical Educational Research has been organising a workshop that is held at changing locations every two years since 1997. This workshop is intended to give emerging researchers the opportunity to present and discuss strategies or results of their doctoral or postdoctoral project in the field of the history of education. The Emerging Researchers’ Conference for the History of Education is aimed at scholars, regardless of their stage of work. A call for proposals will be issued in due time on the website and also distributed via the mailing list of the division. Proposals can be submitted in English and German. In principle, the workshop welcomes any submissions that are related to topics and issues in history of education research, including transcultural/transnational and comparative approaches.

Julius Klinkhardt Award

The Julius Klinkhardt Award was first awarded at the Emerging Researchers’ Conference for the History of Education in 2002. This award is donated by the publishing house Julius Klinkhardt (Bad Heilbrunn) and is endowed with 1.000 EUR. The award includes the offer – but not the obligation – to publish the award-winning work at the Julius Klinkhardt publishing house without any printing subsidies. The publisher will also typeset the work free of charge and, if desired, will also offer open-access publication. The previous winners are listed here.

Klinkhardt Travel and Research Grants

The Klinkhardt Travel Grants (250 EUR) are awarded twice a year and is given to one of the applicants. The sponsor is the Julius Klinkhardt publishing house. This scholarship is especially intended for doctoral candidates who either want to give a presentation on the history of education at an (inter-)national congress or who want to undertake a research trip for their dissertation thesis. Besides, the Division for Historical Educational Research and the Julius Klinkhardt publishing house award two research grands of 250 EUR a year, primarily to support a research stay in an archive, a special library, or a similar scientific research institution. Research trips to conduct oral history projects are also funded. Only members of GERA and the Division for Historical Educational Research who are emerging researchers are eligible to apply: Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers up to five years after their doctorate.


Dr. Andreas Oberdorf
Universität Münster
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft
Georgskommende 26
D-48143 Münster

Stefanie Vochatzer
Universität Paderborn
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft
Warburger Straße 100
D-33098 Paderborn

E-Mail: hbf.emergingresearchersErziehung@uni-muensterwissenschaft.de