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Subdivision for Qualitative Educational and Biographical Research

The Subdivision for Qualitative Educational and Biographical Research focuses on both content-related (such as educational trajectories, diversity in education or teaching and learning) and methodological issues (e. g. biographic research, ethnography or discourse-analysis) as well as on the linking of both perspectives.
At the level of content and subject matter, theoretical questions of education and socialisation are considered as basic figures of educational science and questioned from a qualitative-empirical perspective. The focus on biography bundles a variety of research fields and directs the work of the subdivision towards the analysis of life worlds, educational fields of action as well as educational institutions, especially with regard to the qualitative investigation of educational, educational and social milieus.
The metho(dolog)ic discussions serve the further development of qualitative research designs in educational science (source analysis, research procedures, triangulation) in national and international discourses.


Prof. Dr. Juliane Engel
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Tel: +49 (0)69 798-36305
Mail: j.engel@em.uni-frankfurt.de

Prof. Dr. Anke Wischmann
Europa-Universität Flensburg
Tel: +49 (0)461 805-2174
Mail: anke.wischmannErziehung@uni-flensburgwissenschaft.de

Prof. Dr. Dorothee Schwendowius
Universität Magdeburg
Tel: +49 (0)391 67-56946
Mail: dorothee.schwendowius@ovgu.de

Dr. André Epp
Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 (0)721 925-4881
Mail: andre.epp@ph-karlsruhe.de