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Subdivision for Psychoanalysis and Education

"Psychoanalytic Pedagogy" refers in a special way to the complex theoretical tradition of Psychoanalysis, but it does not see itself as its "hyphen pedagogy", which concentrates only on a very specific group of addressees, on very specific institutional fields of action or on very limited target perspectives. It is also less concerned with the "application" of therapeutic patterns of interpretation and action in the pedagogical field than with thematizing the dimension of the unconscious in pedagogical reflection, which is brought to bear in all pedagogical tasks and fields: in emotional experiences, in fantasies and desires of the subjects affected by education, as hidden motives in pedagogical relationships, and also in educational research, publishing, and argumentation. Since this question of the unconscious, invisible and "inscrutable" backside and shadow phenomena plays a role in almost all pedagogical contexts, psychoanalytic pedagogy always sees itself in a certain sense as "general pedagogy" as well, and thereby takes the position that pedagogy is fundamentally missing an important dimension if it pays little attention to these questions or ignores them.

The Subdivision for Psychoanalysis and Education of the German Educational Research Association (GERA/DGfE) therefore places these aspects at the center of its activities and, to this end, has for many years cultivated the academic tradition of entering into professional exchange and cooperation with representatives from other subdivisions and divisions of GERA.


Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller 
Universität Würzburg
Pädagogik bei Verhaltensstörungen - Sonderpädagogik V
Wittelsbacherplatz 1
97074 Würzburg

Dr. Marian Kratz 
Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität
Institut für Sonderpädagogik
Xylanderstraße 1
76829 Landau

Dr. Nina Hover-Reisner 
Fachhochschule Campus Wien
Favoritenstraße 226
1100 Wien