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Division for Organizational Education

About the Division

Organizational Education was initially founded in 2006 as a scientific network under the umbrella of the German Educational Research Association (GERA/DGfE) and has since then continuously developed in research and teaching. Meanwhile, the debate on organizational learning (understood as learning in, from and between organizations) is considered an important part of the discourse in educational science. For further information, please visit the website of the Division for Organizational Education: www.organisationspaedagogik.net.

Organizational education is a subdiscipline of educational science that focuses on organization and organizational learning from a pedagogical perspective. The focus of interest is on the conditions and possibilities of learning as well as the support of learning in the context of organizations. Over several years - together with numerous members of the field of organizational education - an independent research program has been developed, which was adopted by the General Assembly in 2014 during the annual meeting in Koblenz.

After several years of discussion with European colleagues, a European research memorandum was also adopted in 2016. This took place during the general meeting of the Network Organizational Education (Network 32) of the EERA and the ECER conference in Dublin. The Research Network Organizational Education received the GERA Research Award 2018. With the Research Award, GERA recognizes outstanding research activities by scholars in the field of educational science. In 2018 GERA awarded the research prize to Michael Göhlich, Andreas Schröer and Susanne Maria Weber on behalf of the research network for Organizational Education.

Organizational Education as a working group in GERA
The Executive Board of GERA approved the application at its meeting on February 25-27, 2007, and agreed to establish a Working Group for Organizational Education within GERA. As of fall 2007, the working group was part of the Division Adult Education, since 2009 as a Sub-division of Organizational Education.

Organizational Education confirmed as division
At its meeting on January 25/26, 2018, the GERA Executive Board decided to comply with the application for division status submitted on January 22, 2017, and to grant the Sub-division for Organizational Education the status of a division. Since then, the Sub-division for Organizational Education has been managed as the 14th division of GERA.


Prof. Dr. Inga Truschkat
Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie
Arbeitsbereich Organisationspädagogik
Fabeckstraße 37
14195 Berlin