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Division for Media Education
Latest News
Die Gesellschaft der Medienpädagogik. Praktiken, Theorien und kreative Konzepte für menschliches Medienhandeln // The Society of Media Education. Practices, Theories and Creative Concepts for Human Media Action #mpaed2024
Herbsttagung 2024 der Sektion Medienpädagogik (DGfE) am 19./20. September 2024 an der Universität Wien.
The conference is being organised by the Media Pedgagogy Section of the German Association for Educational Research, in cooperation with the Media Pedagogy Section of the ÖFEB (Austrian Association for Research and Development in Education) and the departments of Media Education at the University of Vienna and the PH Vienna.
Conference website | Call for Papers and Call for Papers the PhD forum | Registration via ConfTool from March 1st 2024
Contributions can be submitted until May 17th 2024.
1st conference of the AG Media Didactics
The first conference of the Media Didactics Working Group of the DGfE Division Media Pedagogy will take place on 29/30 August 2024 at the University of Duisburg-Essen.
The Working Group aims to bring together researchers in German-speaking countries who are involved in the design of digital technology for educational purposes.
The event is being organised together with the "EdTech Research Forum" of the BMBF meta-project.
More information about the AG Mediendidaktik can be found here.
Call for Papers (in German) | Submission by mail to ag-mediendidaktik@learninglab.de until 30.03.2024
Into the Future with Media Education. Drafts, Approaches, and (inter)disciplinary Exchanges #mpaed2023
Autumn conference of the Division for Media Education on September 21/22, 2023 at the FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany.
Website | Call for Papers
Organized by Claudia de Witt (Department of Educational Theory and Media Education) and Sandra Hofhues (Department of Media Didactics), Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences of the FernUniversität in Hagen
Media*Criticism: On Normativity in the Discourse of the Advanced Information Society
14th Magdeburg Theory Forum, 30.06. to 01.07.23 at the Otto-von-Guericke-University in Magdeburg
Call for Papers (in German)
Media Education and (Media) Socialization in the Mirror of Central Societal Challenges of the 21st Century - #mpaed2023f
Spring conference of the Division for Media Education on Thursday, March 30 and Friday, March 31, 2023 at Leuphana University Lüneburg. Organized by Henrike Friedrichs-Liesenkötter, Jane Müller, Anja Schwedler-Diesener and Mareike Thumel.
A cooperation of Leuphana University Lüneburg and Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU).
Conference website | Call for Papers
PhD Forum | Call for Papers
Orientation Framework Media
Education After detailed consultation, the Division for Media Education has now adopted an "Orientation Framework for the Development of Curricula for Media Education Programs and Study Programs" (see here).
Literature: Division for Media Education. 2017. "Guidance framework for the development of curricula for media education courses and study units". Media Education (4th December) 1-7.
KMK develops strategy for "Education in the Digital World"
In 2016/2017, the Conference of Ministers of Education (KMK), in cooperation with numerous partners, developed a comprehensive strategy on education in the digital world (see Website of the KMK). The board of the Division for Media Education and the steering committee of the initiative "No education without media!" took part in this process with their own statements. These can be seen here: Statement Board / Opinion KBoM.
Overview of Study Programs for Media Education
Together with the Society for Media Education and Communication Culture (GMK), the Division for Media Education has compiled an overview of study programs and courses of study focusing on media education in German-speaking countries. The list can be downloaded as PDF file here (as of June 2018).
New Publications
Kamin, A.-K., Holze, J., Wilde, M., Rummler, K., Dander, V., Grünberger, N. und Schiefner-Rohs, M. (Hrsg.) (2023). Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik 20 | 2023 | Inclusive Media Education in a mediatised world. Media Pedagogigal Perspectives on an interprofessional Field of Research. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/jb20.X
Jörissen, B., Roßkopf, C., Rummler, K., Bettinger, P., Schiefner-Rohs, M. and Wolf, K.D. (Eds.) (2022). Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik 18. Aesthetics - Digitality - Power. New Research Perspectives at the Intersection of Cultural Education and Media Education. https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/jb18.X.
Holze, J., Verständig, D. & Biermann, R. (Eds.) (2020). Media Education between Subjectivity and Collectivity. Reflections in the Context of the Digital Age. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-31248-0.
Fromme, J., Iske, S., Leik, T., Rehfeld, S., Bastian, J., Pietraß, M., and Rummler, K. (Eds.) (2020). Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik 15. Educational and Media Pedagogical Online Research: Challenges and Perspectives. MedienPädagogik. Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education.
https://doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/jb15.X.Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Open Access Journal MedienPaed
You can find the online journal MedienPaed here: www.medienpaed.com/index In addition to recent publications, relevant media-pedagogical anthologies, which are out of print in bookstores, will be re-published digitally (open access) on the journal's website here.
Emerging Researchers’ Network for Media Education
Emerging researchers in the Division for Media Education organize themselves as "Junges Netzwerk Medienpädagogik" and are represented by a team that organizes, among other things, doctoral forums at the section meetings and tries to facilitate exchange and networking in various ways.
All PhD candidates and PostDocs in the field of media education are cordially invited to join the Facebook group "Junges Netzwerk Medienpädagogik" and the division. Contact: junges.netzwerk.medienpaedagogik@dgfe.de