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Subdivision for Comparative and International Educational Research

Activities of the Subdivision for Comparative and International Educational Research within the German Educational Research Association (GERA/DGfE) include research, publications and events around the following topics:

  • Emergence and development of national education systems,
  • Comparisons of educational institutions and practices across the whole educational spectrum,
  • Internationalization of educational institutions,
  • Educational policy developments in the national and international context,
  • International developments in the field of education and upbringing against the background of social transformation processes, as well as the relationship of educational institutions to other social areas.

The subdivision understands itself as a forum for junior and senior scholars to present and critically discuss research results, to observe and reflect on development trends in international comparative educational science, and to disseminate and translate its research results into areas of educational policy and practice.


Prof. Dr. Sigrid Hartong 
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg
Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Heisenberg-Professorin für Soziologie, insb. Transformation von Governance in Bildung und Gesellschaft 
Holstenhofweg 85
22043 Hamburg